In March of 2020, the J. Paul Getty Museum challenged housebound Twitter users across the globe to recreate a work of art using only the objects, people, and pets in their own home. Some examples of the quirky and creative results can be viewed here: This assignment asks you to make your own entry for the Getty Museum Challenge.
The purpose of this assignment is to practice close looking, and to evaluate objects in your immediate environment in new ways. Select a work from lecture or the textbook (the work can be from the fall or winter term, and may be selected from material not yet covered in class), and recreate this work using objects (and/or people and/or pets) in your own home (please, no nudity!). Remember to examine the original work closely; pay attention to the composition, subject matter, lighting, and the use of colour, line, or texture. Your recreation does not need to be an exact replica of the original work, but should demonstrate an attentive evaluation of the originals form, content, or context. Photograph your recreation. Then, write a 1-page reflection describing your aims in recreating the work (What elements did you keep and why? What did you ignore? Did you make changes or substitutions? Why?), and comparing your interpretation to the original. In particular, think about how the meaning of the work has been altered through interpretation.
Format: Your final submission should include an image of the original work, an image of your recreation, and a 1-page reflection