DQ1- The International Anti-Corruption Academy deals with various issues which means that different types of man-power is required in ensuring that all activities have been conducted in the right manner. One of the positions that has been advertised is Project Assistant for academic programmes. This holder is expected to ensure that there is a proper plan that will towards ensuring that all the members get proper training which should help them while handling field activities. This helps in planning for retraining the current experts on new ways of handling crime.The position of communication and marketing has also been advertised by the institution. Its main responsibilities is developing marketing and promotion concepts for various marketing, and promotion concepts for the institution. They also tasked with the responsibility of coming up with the right strategies of promoting IACA which should reflect the character of the organization. This is associated with training various students with different abilities so that to foster fighting against the crime.
IACA: Vacancy notices 2021.
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DQ2- The numerous opportunities available to a crime analyst in the field of criminal justice make it seem like a very in demand career choice, one that can also be very rewarding in the long run as well. As previously discovered, the work of a crime analyst can be valued at all levels of the government; from local police departments, to county wide sheriffs offices, to state agencies, and on up to the federal government level. For the police department of Yakima, Washington, seeking a crime and intelligence analyst, to assist in more modern methods of policing, largely being data driven, to help reduce violent crime in the community. This particular analyst would in turn work closely with the Gang Unit, as the posting states, in the hopes of achieving the goal of an overall reduction in violent crime. A good example of a national crime analyst position would be a web intelligence analyst for a private sector firm located in Washington, D.C., that contracts analysis work for various agencies worldwide. A potential candidate for this position must be extremely self-motivated and able to work with little supervision, as the company expressly states they will have employees working on both self-initiated projects as well as contracted work, sometimes individually or sometimes in a team setting. Another example of a contracted analyst is a posting for an investigative analyst position in Virginia for an independent firm. This position directly requires the individual have a base knowledge of numerous government databases for investigative research, thus making this role significantly more of a supporting position helping with continuous on-going investigations.
Boba Santos, R. (2017). Crime analysis and crime mapping (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 9781506331034
International Association of Crime Analysts. (2021). Job postings.
DQ3- I am interested in taking the direction of becoming a chemical technician not only because of the high wages but also for the fact that I have an interest in trying to solve crimes that are related to use of chemicals. I also would prefer the opportunity of becoming a material analyst. Trying to figure out the connection between various materials can be a great career especially in a situation where by I have all the necessary equipment and tools necessary for conducting the analysis. The best part about it is that in the history of crime, similar activities might have occurred therefore through a proper analysis and research using the database, It can be easy to research on the crime so that to determine the most appropriate reason behind it occurrence. This shows that the research has a starting point especially when it comes to determining the pattern of crime. For years, my main interest is trying to connect various aspects so that to come up with a conclusive response. This would be vital for my research as I feel that I have been practicing on how to solve various crimes for a very long duration of time. Another important factor about the above preferences is that they require proper organization of the collected data so that to ensure it is used in an appropriate manner so that to give the right results.
Roufa, T. (2019, June, 18). What does a crime analyst do? The Balance Careers.
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