
Hello, I hope this message finds you well! This is a paper/project for my class.

The topic of my paper is: Medical Stigmas and how it affects the world. (It really connects to anything)

**Lastly, before reading the instructions of the paper, please know that all the articles given to us this semester, I will provide you with. I am not saying you have to read all of them but the topic of my paper has to correlate with the rest of the paper.


I cannot put the time limit over 23 days when initially posting the assignment but I will add the 21 days once accepted.

Instructions for Last Paper (May 5th, 11:50 p.m.)

1. Students must clear topic with Dr. Cartwright by March 15.

2. Choose a topic that interests you and develop a thesis regarding that topic. Your paper should focus on:

a) a clinical medical anthropology problem of significant importance. Use the readings we’ve done in class and also look at the other chapters in the Lock and Nguyen for ideas.

b) Use an approach like the authors of the journal articles or book have used. Focus in on one or more of the following: stigma, power differences, practitioner-client communication, ideas about what is ‘normal’, medicalization, resistance etc….

3. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS (Enrolled in 4409) 5-7 single spaced pages (DS between paragraphs) 12pt font, one inch margins

4. Bibliographies: must include 10 academic journal articles, plus other references. You may use any citation style you wish—just be consistent –bibliographies are not counted in page total. You must include at least 3 articles from one or more of these journals: Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Social Science and Medicine, Culture Medicine and Psychiatry. Also, you must include 2 articles from a medical journal like The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, etc (check with Dr. Cartwright or our class TA if you have questions).